Treating Stubborn Acne and Scars with Acne Surgery

With the advancement of modern surgical technology, acne therapy has got a new dimension in the form of acne surgery. Only a distressed victim knows the horrific experience of acne outbreak. Although there is no life threat, but this menacing skin disorder alone is sufficient to generate immense amount of disturbances in one’s psychosocial life. Worst are the cases where the victims leave no stone unturned to flatten the stubborn skin blemishes, yet end up with ultimate failure.

And when the case is severe, even though it is cured, it often leaves traces as dreadful acne scars as the post-impact. Acne surgery becomes an inevitable resort under such circumstances.

Different Surgical Approaches Acne Surgery

Drainage and surgical excision Acne Surgery

Comparatively larger and inflamed cysts that don’t respond well with common medication are often subjected to surgical incision. Drainage and extraction of the comedones are done by cutting open the inflamed lesions. A small blade or a very fine needle is generally used open the blackheads or whiteheads and then pressing out the inflamed substance with an extractor.

Dermatologists are skilled with proper training to perform this complicated job, and therefore it is advisable not to be carried out by the patients themselves.


Yet another successful process of acne surgery involves the usage of liquid nitrogen on the affected area to destroy the damaged tissues. However a major drawback of this process is that it leaves a fair amount of chance for the acne lesions to reappear once again on the scarred spots.

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Cortisone Injection

A quicker and popular alternative to diminish the large and inflamed lesions is to push diluted corticosteroid into the inflamed cysts. Cortisone injection has been proved to be a much effective acne removal process that works with an amazingly faster and promising outcome.

They usually work with greater assurance on intermittent acne lesions. However it is not so effective on relatively larger, severe and more inflamed cysts.

Laser Treatment – Acne Surgery

what is acne surgeryThe advent of laser technology has opened a new gateway in the domain of medicine and surgery. Acne surgery has also been greatly influenced by this technology.

The surgical procedure is very simple and straightforward in which a strong accurate and powerful laser beam, controlled by the laser technician, is applied on the affected lesions.

It destroys all bacterial growth within that inflamed skin pore. However, just like all other surgical methods, laser surgery also has a few drawbacks. One of them is that they are too costly to be afforded easily by anyone, even more so because the experience of the concerned technician determines the cost to a large extent.

Above all, one is not assured whether one treatment session would bring complete cure. Sometimes more than one session might become essential for a desired outcome.

Chemical Peeling in Plastic Surgery

There is some controversy regarding the acceptance of chemical surgery or chemical peeling as a process of pure acne surgery. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of it has undoubtedly achieved unanimous recognition as a successful acne therapy. Different chemical solutions are used to peel off the outer layer of the damaged skin surface. Although it takes considerably a longer period to restore the skin and the patient has to move around with a red flaking facial skin for weeks, the final outcome is promising enough.

When it comes to acne scars, especially those like deep ice pick scars, rigorous surgical procedure is the only option left. Plastic surgery is the one unique name in the domain of acne surgery which provides an assured cure in removing acne scars. The final outcome is a smooth and rejuvenated skin with a fresh look that anyone would be longing for.


Surgery is probably the most complicated medical treatment for any patient. Therefore, one must follow some precautions while going for a surgical therapy. First of all, patients must avoid the tendency of self-guided surgical attempts like picking, popping, or pressing the inflamed which ultimately results in more harm than good. It has to be remembered that draining inflammation is a tough task and it requires special training which falls under the ability of a medical professional only.

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One must be cautious while choosing a proper surgeon. A less experienced professional might mess up the entire procedure and end up with a huge amount of expenditure in exchange of little or no desirable effect. One should go for acne surgery only when all other substitutes have been proven to be a complete failure.

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