]In order to fight back the most stubborn skin problem, undoubtedly which is acne, it is necessary to gather a close understanding of the skin structure, associated dysfunctions and their reasons. Acne lesions and its related problems generate in the epidermal layer of human skin. This layer consists of all the hair follicles, oil and sweat glands. The oil glands, under the influence of male hormones, keep secreting sebum or body oil which travel through the hair follicle pores and come up on the skin surface. Any disturbance in the level of hormonal secretion therefore is liable to turn the entire pilosebaceous unit vulnerable to acne formation. A pilosebaceous unit comprising a hair follicle, hair strand and an oil gland, generally gets affected if the pore is blocked by dead skin cells which subsequently leads to an accumulation of trapped sebum and bacteria inside the follicle. This is how tiny bulges start appearing on top of the skin surface area adjacent to an affected pilosebaceous unit, some of which get inflamed by the trapped bacteria and grow bigger and form acne cysts.
Habit of Cleanliness
The most vital skin care tip for the sufferers of acne lesions is about cleanliness. Avoid touching your face with your hands since it’s your hands, which is visibly clean, contain the most harmful agents like sebum and microorganisms transferred from other parts of our body, especially the hair. For the same reason never let your hair fall on your face and leave traces of similar malicious ingredients. A regular habit of washing and rinsing your hair at least every other day and cleaning your hands frequently is advisable. When it comes to cleaning of your face, it is definitely the most essential factor, but you must follow a certain norms. First of all come out of any misconception that tells that more wash means more hygienic. At least this is not true in case of your face, particularly if you have acne lesions. The facial skin is relatively delicate and more sensitive than other body parts and contains combination skin type. The T-zone of the face is relatively oily than other parts. Therefore, frequent washing might do more harm than good especially on the oily skin by exciting the sebaceous glands to secrete more and more oil which is absolutely a no-no for any acne stncken skin. Use some mild and medicated soap or face wash to rinse your face not more than twice a day, preferably once in the morning and in the evening or during bedtime.
Topical Acne Care Products
Until and unless your acne condition is not aggravated to severely inflamed cysts that need intensive medical supervision, you can always go for some self help over-the-counter medication. These medications are always prescnbed for healing up mild to moderate acne lesions.
• Benzoyl peroxide
This is often a very good choice for people with mild acne lesions. Benzoyl peroxide acts by destroying the bacteria as well as healing the inflammations. It is available in various forms like lotions, gels, liquids, soaps or cleansers with different and varied strengths. If you are a first timer, it is always better to start with relatively lower strength and gradually shifting to higher as per the condition of lesions you have. Minor side effects like irntation or discoloration of skin are found in some instances. Therefore it is suggested not to apply it more than once or twice a day. This product is strictly forbidden for those who are already undergoing tretinoin medication.
• Salicylic acid
The chief benefit of salicylic acid is that it plays a key role in the reduction of formation of comedones. Salicylic acid is sold as creams, lotions or pads with 0.5 to 2.0% strength. This non-inflammatory OTC product is highly potential for unclogging skin pores. Besides, it is also endowed with mild antibactenal traits. However, salicylic acid is commonly used for treating non-inflammatory acne lesions.
• Acetone and alcohol
Alcohol and acetone are also largely used for treating acne. Alcohol works much like a mild antibiotic agent and acetone helps in removing the acne growths. But their impact is always interdependent and therefore they should be used together, instead of using singly.
• Sulfur
Sulfur is able to show a desirable outcome in acne remedial measure. But the best result could be obtained if it is used along with other medications like alcohol, salicylic acid or resorcinol.
• Natural remedy
Vanous natural and herbal remedial products are available in the market, which are also equally endowed with potentials of healing and preventing acne lesions. They not only heal up or prevent skin eruptions, but also take a major part in rejuvenating the skin with proper nourishment.