Are You Using the Right Acne Cream?

Are you sick and tired of looking for something which would really work like a magic on your long-term irritating zits and pimples? There are millions of acne sufferers across the world who have experienced the same trouble while pursuing the right treatment to cure their acne nightmare. The world market is inundated with several types of acne cream and ointments with varied commercial names comprised of numerous synthetic or natural components.

It is really a difficult task to find out the right treatment from the hoard of acne skin-care products for oneself as it is needed to consider different aspects of your own skin as well as the ingredients of the acne product before you decide about the particular acne cream. If your acne has not turned into a grave condition, you can easily handle those occurrences of acne blemishes using countless over-the-counter topical medications.

Check Your Skin Type

Prior to choosing an acne treatment product you must consider some important facets like skin type and severity of acne. It is extremely important to check your own skin type with some skin-care specialist. If you have got a dry skin then you should go for an acne cream treatment; however, if the skin is oily in nature then you should choose gel based products.

If your skin is very sensitive you have to be very careful about topical medication. Very mild and water based ointments would be perfect for you. If you have a combination skin type then you have to apply gel based medications over the oily portion, whereas acne creams would be suitable for the dry parts.

If your acne is fully flourished and extremely painful, or if the situation worsen after you have tried one over-the-counter product then you should immediately consult with your dermatologist. If you have got a cluster of large and painful pustule lesions or if your acne is causing scar on your skin then it is always advisable to visit a skin-specialist as soon as possible.

Best Available Acne Cream

In case of mild to moderate acne the best solution is the one which is less or noninvasive. Undoubtedly the method is none other than mild topical treatment. Most popular acne creams contain antimicrobial ingredients, retinoid, niacinamide, or some miscellaneous components.

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1) Topical antibiotic treatments

best acne creamTopical antibiotics destroy the bacterial proliferation at around the pore and follicles where dead skin cells and dried and charred oily substances clog and breed Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. A few popular topical antimicrobial products are:

Clindamycin: Semisynthetic antimicrobial product; reduces acne and associated inflammation; available as gel, lotion, or solution; side effects might arise in the form of dryness of skin, irritation, and antibiotic resistance after prolong use.

Erythromycin: Well tolerated antibacterial product; much effective against mild to moderate acne; safe for pregnant women; available as solution, ointment, or gel; side effects include, dryness of skin, irritation, and reduced antibacterial activity after extended use.

Tretacycline: Less used topical acne cream; contains sodium bisulfite; opens clogs and pores; reduces inflammation; side effects include yellowish skin and allergic condition for sensitive skin.

2) Topical retinoids as acne cream

Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A. They are mostly useful for mild to moderately severe comedonal acne conditions. These are available in the form of acne creams and gels. A few of them are:

Tretinoin: First and best known natural topical medication; keeps pores open and unplugged; gels are more effective than creams; cannot be used with benzoyl peroxide; side effects involve the tendency toward sunburn, skin irritation, and dryness.

Adapalene: Synthetic retinoid; treats acne same as tretinoin; causes less irritation than tretinoin and is stable in presence of benzoyl peroxide.

3) Topical niacinamides

At present day niacinamides are used as the most effective and safest acne treatment. These are derivatives of vitamin B3 and often available as over-the-counter topical acne creams, gels, etc.

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As these are water soluble derivatives of vitamin B3, our body mechanism flush them out as soon as they accomplish their task. Due to this reason unlike other popular acne medications these do not affect our natural build up.

Although antibacterial in nature they are not the typical antibiotics and never loosen their efficiency due to any reason like antibiotic resistance.

4) Topical miscellaneous medications

Some miscellaneous over-the-counter topical medications are quite useful to prevent acne. Nevertheless the best choice could be the acne cream treatment with green tea. Creams containing green tea work efficiently as antioxidant and natural moisturizer, which not only eradicate acne blemishes but also protect our skin from any future acne breakouts.

As you can see there are countless over-the-counter acne creams with their own therapeutic properties. Only a professional dermatologist could help you to find out the right one for your acne.

Take your time and your endeavor would definitely come up with amazing results.

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